Everyone Should Know these Facts About the CoronaVirus
The most important of all Coronavirus facts is that it can be transmitted through contact with an object contaminated with the virus, including objects used in healthcare settings, such as hospital beds, surgical instruments, and gowns.
The virus can also be transmitted through contact with bodily fluids, including saliva, blood, urine, and semen. The most common symptom of COVID infection is a fever with or without chills. Other COVID facts include the following.
It is important to remember that although COVID is highly contagious, this does not necessarily mean that your disease will spread quickly and easily between people.
Facts about Coronavirus - COVID 19
The best way to prevent the spreading of the disease is through effective early detection and treatment.
The symptoms will vary depending on the person who is infected but may include: chest pain, shortness of breath or wheezing, loss of appetite and weight loss, fatigue, headache, cough, and fever. These symptoms may also be accompanied by:
Although these symptoms are fairly common, they do not always occur with the disease.
It is therefore important to keep a close eye out for any of the above symptoms, especially if you suspect that your loved one may have COVID infection.
The most important of all Coronavirus facts is that COVID infection cannot be completely prevented. However, the early symptoms can be treated and the infection reduced or even eliminated.
Unbelievable facts about the coronavirus
A number of medications can be used to treat or even cure the virus but the most effective treatment is still through medical therapy.
Another important COVID information is that COVID infection can be prevented by simple and common household precautions.
These precautions include: keeping the patient's clothes and bedding dry; disinfecting medical devices; washing hands often after touching them; limiting exposure to people or animals that have recently had contact with the patient; keeping family pets away from the patient; and avoiding direct contact with animals and other people.
It should be remembered that COVID cannot be fully eliminated in the air or on skin surfaces. Therefore, prevention is still the best possible cure for the disease.
If COVID has not yet become established in the patient's body, then there is a good chance that the disease can be treated successfully with medicines.
In some cases, the treatment may involve the complete removal of the virus and its causes. For those who have contracted the disease, these medicines can sometimes be taken orally but in most cases, oral administration of medicines is usually avoided.
The most common medicines prescribed for the treatment of COVID are amikacin, penicillin, and amoxicillin, which are known as Erythromycin and Miconazole. respectively.
These medicines can be taken orally and their use is recommended for individuals who have a mild case of the disease.
Although these medicines are generally effective against the COVID virus, they can cause side effects in some patients. These include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. In many cases, the drug is used alongside other medicines, especially in children and pregnant women.
Some patients may also experience symptoms such as weakness, muscle weakness, respiratory failure, and on rare occasions, paralysis. Some may even develop coma and death.
There are a number of other drugs that are used for the treatment of COVID but it is not essential to use these medicines when used in isolation.
In most cases, medical experts recommend that an antibiotic is given along with the medicines for more effective and faster results. Antibiotics are usually administered in combination with COVID medications. This way, the medicine will fight the infection more efficiently and effectively.
covid-19 facts